Tom Idle Tom Idle

ASD Impact Fund - second media release

Communications support for second media release, giving more details about ASD Impact Fund for Members to amplify and share.

Members Communication Pack


What’s happening?

As you know, the ASD Impact Fund launched in March, and we picked up some good media attention.

Lots of editors asked questions, wanting more of the detail on where the money will be spent, who will benefit, etc.

So, we are going to give them some more information – and we will issue a second press release to do just that.

The PR will be sent to the media on Wednesday 25 May.

Contributing members have approved, fed back on and contributed to the final version of the PR.

We have also used this PR as the basis for another story, posted on the ASD website.


What we’d like our members to do

Feel free to use the press release as the basis for your own stories giving some more detail on the ASD Impact Fund and Inobu.

Once again, we want participating ASD Members to leverage their networks, resources and media lists to extend the reach of this press release.

This might be via your company website, within reports and forums, on company social media channels and through key company influencers (e.g. CEOs, CSOs, COP, etc.)

To support you in this, you will find below:

  • press release

  • suggested social media posts

We thank you for your help.



Comms assets

Press release as a Word file
Click to download

Press release as a PDF file
Click to download


ASD logo, as PNG


Images, click to download. Please credit Inobu

Ecosystem restoration taking place in Mendawai Seberang Village, Central Kalimantan

Ecosystem restoration taking place in Mendawai Seberang Village, Central Kalimantan

Field survey of Sapundu Hantu Village, Central Kalimantan

Lot peg installation in Suka Makmur Village, Central Kalimantan

Lot peg installation in Suka Makmur Village, Central Kalimantan

Mapping of indigenous territories in Sapundu Hantu Village, Seruyan, Central Kalimantan

Organic fertilizer and vegetable pesticide training in Sapundu Hantu Village, Seruyan, Central Kalimantan

Restoration plant nurseries in Mendawai Sebrang, Kotawaringin Barat, Central Kalimantan



Press release

25 May 2022

New Fund of Palm Derivatives Users Seeks to Restore Ecosystems and Drive Economic Growth in Indonesia

A group of cosmetics, personal care, healthcare and oleochemicals companies working with Action for Sustainable Derivatives (ASD) will support the Inobu Mosaik Initiative, to build an enabling environment for sustainable palm oil production at scale while empowering local communities. 

Six members of ASD - Croda International, The Estée Lauder Companies through its Charitable Foundation, GSK Consumer Healthcare, Natura &Co, Seppic and Stéarinerie Dubois - announced the launch of the ASD Impact Fund last month.

The Fund has officially begun supporting the Inobu-led Mosaik Initiative, which is focused on finding ways to sustainably restore the landscape and drive economic growth in two of the largest palm producing districts in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia – Seruyan and Kotawaringin Barat. Contributing ASD members source on average 8% of their palm derivatives from Central Kalimantan.

With the help of Inobu, the two districts, which cover a total area almost as large as Belgium, are developing ways to restore forest ecosystems while protecting the remaining forests. Among other activities, the project will:

  • create a jurisdictional farmers association for agroforestry products to increase their value and encourage local communities to protect and restore natural forests in their villages;

  • provide upfront financing and technical support for smallholders’ sustainable farming practices and RSPO certification; and 

  • establish programs to ensure all palm oil production is aligned with sustainability principles and criteria 

The Project Selection Process

Each year, ASD conducts an investigation to map its members’ supply chains and monitor risks. This helps to identify priority supply chain players to engage, as well as the priority areas in which to focus investment.

ASD carried out an extensive mapping of more than 100 projects in Indonesia and Malaysia, and prioritized these based on an agreed set of criteria, including their location and relevance to ASD Members’ supply chains, project needs, impact and scale-up potential.

In partnership with The Estée Lauder Companies Charitable Foundation, ASD supported the Inobu Mosaik Initiative last year, which helped progress the development of ASD’s approach to collectively drive more meaningful impact on the ground.

“The Inobu Mosaik Initiative is part of a larger effort to improve sustainability practices in the palm oil supply chain,” said Ricki Berkenfeld, Manager, Consumer Sectors at BSR. “From this effort, we expect to gain valuable insights into collective approaches to field-level impact, while protecting natural ecosystems and supporting smallholder farmers.” 

“The Government of Indonesia has made significant progress in reducing deforestation, especially from oil palm and other commodities. But support is needed to maintain this trend while encouraging more large and small-scale producers to join these efforts,” said Silvia Irawan, Executive Director of Inobu.”

“This commitment made by ASD is an important step in this direction, acknowledging the work done by the local governments while supporting local communities to farm sustainably and restore degraded landscapes. It also shows that global manufacturers from the cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries care about what happens in the tropical landscapes where agricultural commodities, such as palm oil, are produced.”

The ASD Impact Fund, launched with Tides Foundation, intends to provide €1.5 million to support the Inobu Mosaik landscape initiative over the next five years. This includes supporting the certification of more than 2200 smallholder farmers covering up to 4400 hectares of land, implementing regenerative agriculture in 650 hectares of land, and encouraging local communities to protect around 6500 hectares of natural forests in their villages.

This is a significant stride forward for ASD - the first step in bringing together a smaller segment of the palm market, palm derivatives users, to collectively impact on-the-ground. Over time, ASD expects the Fund to grow, with more ASD Members participating in the Fund and an expanded portfolio of supported projects.

Notes to editors:

About ASD

ASD, co-managed by BSR and Transitions, was launched in late 2019 to bring together companies in the cosmetics, home, health and personal care, and oleochemicals industries to collectively address key environmental and social challenges in palm oil and palm kernel oil derivatives (palm derivatives) supply chains.

ASD’s vision is to achieve and promote palm derivatives sourcing that is free from deforestation, respects human rights, and supports local livelihoods.

During its first two years, ASD has made significant strides in laying the groundwork that will enable the initiative to take further action towards its vision, through its defined impact-oriented approach.

The ASD Impact Fund was developed in partnership with Tides Foundation, using the Tides collective action fund model which provides an established, efficient and effective way to enable multi-donor collaboration to help create positive change in the world.

You can download ASD’s latest Update of Progress here and find more information about ASD on its website.

About BSR

BSR is an impact-driven sustainability organization that works with its network of 300 leading companies to create a world in which all people can thrive on a healthy planet. With offices in Asia, Europe, and North America, BSR provides insight, advice, and collaborative initiatives to help you see a changing world more clearly, create long-term business value, and scale impact.

Visit the BSR website to find out more.


About Transitions

Transitions is a consultancy specialized in building sustainable supply chains for a range of key commodities. With long experience working in the palm derivatives supply chain for the cosmetics and oleochemicals sectors, Transitions benefits from a strong understanding of its complexities, a good reputation among its players and external stakeholders, as well as a deep expertise in building sustainable procurement models that deliver positive impacts in the field. As an independent third-party, Transitions acts as a facilitator to build dialogue with direct and indirect suppliers, as well as internal and external stakeholders in order to enhance win-win improvements along the chain.

Visit the Transitions website to find out more.

About Inobu 

Yayasan Inobu is an Indonesian, non-profit organization that strives towards the sustainable management of Indonesia’s landscapes and seascapes for the benefit of local and indigenous communities. Founded in 2014, Inobu is a women-led organization, with expertise in the areas of sustainable sourcing, conservation and restoration, agri-food systems, community development and environmental and social governance. 

Visit the Inobu website to find out more. 


For media enquiries:

Tom Idle, Narrative Matters
+44 (0)7760 161401



Suggest media posts


  • We’re excited to give further details of the Action for Sustainable Derivatives (ASD) Impact Fund which we are participating in to provide financial support to an on-the-ground project in one of our priority palm derivatives sourcing regions.

    We’re working with [Croda International, The Estée Lauder Companies Charitable Foundation, GSK Consumer Healthcare, Natura &Co, Seppic and Stéarinerie Dubois] to support the Inobu Mosaik Initiative.

    Our support will help the Initiative to continue finding ways to sustainably restore the landscape and drive economic growth in two of the largest palm producing districts in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia – Seruyan and Kotawaringin Barat.You can find out more here: [INSERT LINK TO STORY ON ASD WEBSITE]

    You can find out more here:

  • Thanks to our collaborative work as part of Action for Sustainable Derivatives (ASD), we have an improved understanding of the priority landscapes where we source the oil palm that goes into our products.

    Together with some of our fellow ASD members [Croda International, The Estée Lauder Companies through its Charitable Foundation, GSK Consumer Healthcare, Natura &Co, Seppic and Stéarinerie Dubois], we’re excited to be a part of the ASD Impact Fund which has now started supporting the Inobu-led Mosaik Initiative. The project is focused on finding ways to sustainably restore the landscape and drive economic growth in two of the largest palm producing districts in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia – Seruyan and Kotawaringin Barat. Contributing ASD members source on average 8% of their palm derivatives from Central Kalimantan.

    You can find out more here:



Communications Do’s and Dont’s

Please Do:

  • Proactively engage peers, customers, suppliers, and wider stakeholders to promote the Impact Fund.

  • Focus on the fact that the Fund is using a collective, pooled approach

  • Seek guidance from the ASD team for any external-facing content that departs significantly from key messages.

  • Involve your Corporate Communications teams where possible to amplify ASD’s voice.

Please Don't:

  • Mention that the Fund is any one individual company’s Fund or project.

  • Overstate the impact any one individual company has created through the project – this is collective action.

  • Refer to the actions, activities or contributions of another ASD Member without their permission.

  • Engage in social media disputes regarding ASD’s position or activities.


Get in touch

If you have any questions, just shout.

Tom Idle, ASD Communications Consultant, Narrative Matters

Ricki Berkenfeld, ASD BSR Team

Alexandra Kolev, ASD BSR Team

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Tom Idle Tom Idle

ICIS Surfactants Awards shortlist

ASD has made the shortlist in the Sustainability category of the ICIS Surfactant Awards 2022.

Members Communications Pack


What’s happening?

ASD entered the ICIS Surfactant Awards 2022, run by Independent Commodity Intelligence Services (ICIS).

And we got shortlisted.

We made the shortlist for the Sustainability category, alongside companies such as LanzaTech and Oxiteno.

We’ve posted a story about it on the ASD website, here.

This is exciting news for all ASD members, and we invite you to share the news with your networks, colleagues, customers, etc.

Below we have posted a couple of suggested social media posts for you to use.

We’ve also made available the ICIS ‘Shortlisted’ badge which you can use too.


Suggested social posts


We’re proud members of Action for Sustainable Derivatives (ASD), run by @BSRnews and @Transitions_dd. And we’re excited to announce that our collaboration has been recognised by being shortlisted for the ICIS Surfactant Awards 2022.

ASD is shortlisted alongside @Bradford Soap Works, @LanzaTech, @Oxiteno and @Stepan Company – and is testament to the work and activities we’ve been a part of these last two years.

Together with our fellow ASD members – all users of palm oil derivatives – we will excitedly await the winners being announced on 10 May during the World Surfactants Conference held in Jersey City.

You can find out more here.

#ASD #Collaboration #Sustainability #Innovation #SurfactantsAwards



Our collaboration with fellow palm derivatives users, Action for Sustainable Derivatives w/@BSRnews @Transitions_dd has been shortlisted in @ICISOfficial Surfactant Awards 2022. Find out more #SurfactantsAwards


ICIS Surfactant Awards 2022 ‘Shortlisted’ badge

Click badge to download

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Tom Idle Tom Idle

ASD - one-pager

A one-pager explaining the who, what, why of ASD for Members to share with their networks.

Members Communication Pack


What is this?

The ASD team has produced a one-page flyer which explains what the collaboration is, how it works, who is participating and how to join in.

You can download it here.


What We’d Like Our Members To Do

Download the one-pager and feel free to use it to share with colleagues, customers, partners and other stakeholders. It’s a simple, easy to digest and understand document that explains everything anybody needs to know about ASD, why you are involved in it, and why others should join too.


Get in touch

If you have any questions, just shout.

Sélène Massy, Senior Project Manager, Transitions

Tom Idle, ASD Communications Consultant, Narrative Matters

Ricki Berkenfeld, ASD BSR Team

Alexandra Kolev, ASD BSR Team

Read More
Tom Idle Tom Idle

World Procurement Awards 2022 shortlist

Members Communications Pack


What’s happening?

ASD entered the World Procurement Awards 2022, run by Procurement Leaders. And we got shortlisted.

We made the shortlist for the Supplier Collaboration & Innovation category, alongside companies such as Bayer and Unilever.

We’ve posted a story about it on the ASD website, here.

This is exciting news for all ASD members, and we invite you to share the news with your networks, colleagues, customers, etc.

Below we have posted a couple of suggested social media posts for you to use.

We’ve also made available the World Procurement Awards 2022 ‘Shortlisted’ badge which you can use too.


Suggested social posts


As proud members of Action for Sustainable Derivatives (ASD), run by @BSRnews and @Transitions_dd, we’re proud to announce that our collaboration has been recognised by being shortlisted for the World Procurement Awards 2022.

Being shortlisted alongside Bayer, Johnson & Johnson, Siemens Healthineers and Unilever is testament to the work and activities we’ve been a part of these last two years.

Together with our fellow ASD members – all users of palm oil derivatives – we will excitedly await the winners being announced on 15 June 2022.

You can find out more here

#ASD #Collaboration #Innovation #PLWPA



Exciting news alert. Our collaboration with fellow palm derivatives users, Action for Sustainable Derivatives, has been shortlisted for our work in the World Procurement Awards 2022. Find out more #ASD #Collaboration #Innovation #PLWPA @BSRnews @Transitions_dd


WPA ‘Shortlisted’ badge

Click badge to download

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Tom Idle Tom Idle

International Day of Forests

Members Communications Pack


What’s happening?

On Monday 21 March, it’s International Day of Forests, a UN supported initiative to raise awareness of the importance of the world’s forests, and the need to protect and preserve them.

As ASD members, we invite you to mark the event on social media.

Below we have posted a few suggested social media posts for you to use.

Don’t forget to use the ASD logo, as required. You can download it below.


Suggested social posts


We’re delighted to support the UN International Day of Forests on 21 March 2022.

As members of Action for Sustainable Derivatives (ASD), managed by @BSRnews and @Transitions_dd, we support sustainable forest management. This means maintaining a fragile but essential balance between the economic, environmental, and societal dimensions of forests through sustainable sourcing practices.

Together with our fellow ASD members – all users of palm oil derivatives – we aim to preserve, conserve and restore primary forests and peats while supporting local livelihoods and respecting human rights.

 You can find out more here:

#ASD #Deforestation #Biodiversity #SustainablePalmOil #InternationalForestDay




Did you know it’s #InternationalForestDay? As a user of palm derivatives, we know just how important sustainable forest management is. Through our collaboration in Action for Sustainable Derivatives, we aim to preserve, conserve and restore primary forests and peat while supporting local livelihoods. Find our more @BSRnews @Transitions_dd


With 10m hectares of forest lost each year, we are committed to preserving, conserving and restoring primary forests and peatland while supporting local farmers. Find out more about our work with Action for Sustainable Derivatives this #InternationalForestDay @BSRnews @Transitions_dd


ASD logo

Click logo to download

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Tom Idle Tom Idle

ASD Impact Fund launch

Communications support for launch of ASD Impact Fund for Members to amplify and share.

Members Communication Pack


What’s happening?

As you know, the ASD Impact Fund is launching, and now is the time to tell the world about it.

ASD will be sending out a press release to announce the launch on Thursday 3 March 2022. Contributing members have approved, fed back on and contributed to the final document, which is available to download here.

We have also used this PR as the basis for a short story on the launch, posted here on the ASD website.

As previously mentioned, we will be following up with another PR in early April which will go into a bit more detail on the Inobu Mosaik Initiative and what ASD members hope to achieve.


What we’d like our members to do

Feel free to use the press release as the basis for your own stories about the launch of ASD Impact Fund and your organisation’s involvement in it.

We want participating ASD Members to leverage their networks, resources and media lists to extend the reach of this press release.

This might be via your company website, within reports and forums, on company social media channels and through key company influencers (e.g. CEOs, CSOs, COP, etc.)

To support you in this, you will find below:

  • press release

  • suggested social media posts

We thank you for your help.



Comms assets

Press release as a Word file
Click to download

Press release as a PDF file
Click to download


ASD logo, as PNG



Press release

3 March 2022

Palm derivatives users pool funding to create positive impact in sourcing regions

Leading cosmetics, personal care, healthcare and oleochemicals companies are providing funding to a project that will generate positive environmental and social impact in the region where they source palm oil derivatives. 

At least six members of Action for Sustainable Derivatives (ASD) – including Croda International, The Estée Lauder Companies through its Charitable Foundation, GSK Consumer Healthcare, Natura &Co, Seppic and Stéarinerie Dubois – will collectively provide financial support to an on-the-ground project in a priority region that has strong supply chain links and systemic environmental and human rights challenges.

 The ASD Impact Fund has been developed in partnership with Tides Foundation, using the Tides collective action fund model which provides an established, efficient and effective way to enable multi-donor collaboration to help create positive change in the world.

ASD is a collaborative initiative of palm oil derivatives users aiming to transform their supply chains. Each year, ASD conducts an investigation to map its members’ supply chains and monitor risks. This helps to identify priority supply chain players to engage, as well as the priority landscapes in which to focus investment.

To drive positive impact on the ground in those priority landscapes, the collaboration undertook an extensive process to identify existing projects that address underlying issues influencing responsible practices in palm production landscapes. The funding model will enable the six ASD members to collectively direct resources to those projects.

“We’re proud to launch the ASD Impact Fund. Together, a number of our members are able to pool their resources to fund projects that support our vision for palm derivatives sourcing that is free from deforestation, respects human rights, and supports local livelihoods,” said Edwina McKechnie, Associate Director, Consumer Sectors at BSR.

The primary purpose of ASD is to positively transform industry practices for key derivatives supply chains, and we are pleased to see this work take concrete next steps. The collective impact efforts conducted through ASD will now allow different types of downstream companies, including intermediary players and SMEs, to support on-the-ground actions in strategic palm oil production areas connected to their supply”, added Ariane Denis, Deputy Director, Sustainable sourcing at Transitions.

 “This first project will ensure resources go into directly supporting smallholders, landscapes and communities linked to ASD’s supply footprint.”

“Through the Fund, we are able to facilitate impact on-the-ground by providing a mechanism to collect finance from multiple sources, and secure a pipeline of funding to projects in priority production landscapes shared by palm derivatives users.” said Ricki Berkenfeld, Manager, Consumer Sectors at BSR.

Michelle Fargen, Global Head of Procurement and Sustainable Sourcing, Croda, said: “Croda is very happy to be a contributor to the ASD Impact Fund. Our use of palm derived raw materials is fully supported by RSPO Supply Chain Certification, supply chain mapping, and compliance to NPDE principles.

“It has been our desire to participate in direct impact projects to enable further positive results at local levels. The ASD Impact Fund will enable us to do this in partnership with like-minded ASD members. We are excited to see the positive impacts to our local market areas.”

Nancy Mahon, Senior Vice President, Global Corporate Citizenship & Sustainability, The Estée Lauder Companies, said: ”At The Estée Lauder Companies, we know that global challenges require collaborative solutions. That’s why we’re proud to support, through The Estée Lauder Companies Charitable Foundation, the launch of the ASD Impact Fund.

“Responsible palm sourcing and production requires collaboration among like-minded members and with local communities, and we look forward to continuing our commitment to support the local communities in which we live, work and source to drive positive impact on the ground with the Fund.”

Marie Ollagnier, Global CSR Director, Seppic, said: "At Seppic we are proud and excited to contribute to the ASD Impact Fund. Seppic has actively promoted the sustainable transformation of the palm supply chain for years, and our participation in this on-the-ground collective program is a new step for us to further engage at the local level to reach higher positive impacts on the environment and communities.”

Hervé Gondrand, General Manager, Stéarinerie Dubois, said: “Stéarinerie Dubois is proud to be a member of the ASD and glad to provide financial support to the ASD Impact Fund.

“As a Small and Medium Enterprise, our contribution to this fund is a milestone in our strategy for forests, since we joined RSPO in 2011 and embarked all of our industrial customers with a 100% RSPO Mass Balance Supply Chain Certification Standard product offer.

“Building this bridge between the downstream and upstream actors is fully in line with our commitment to make palm oil derivatives sourcing more sustainable, free from deforestation, respectful to human rights and supporting local livelihoods. It provides us a path to the accomplishment of the agenda of the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations Global Compact.”

Sarah McDonald, Vice President of Sustainability, GSK Consumer Healthcare, said: “GSK Consumer Healthcare is proud to support the ASD Impact Fund. Addressing the social and environmental barriers that stand in the way of people’s everyday health is fundamental to our company purpose and sourcing commodities, such as palm oil, in a sustainable and inclusive way is a core part of our sustainability strategy. 

“Meaningful collaborations such as this enable us to create positive impact for people and planet in priority areas we source ingredients from, tackling nature loss and protecting human rights.”

More details on the specific project being supported will be announced next month. The project will have an identified need and scope where ASD can add value through pooled funding contributions. In choosing the project ASD assessed:

  • environmental conservation/ restoration potential; 

  • proximity to priority mills and landscapes; 

  • potential to enhance smallholder livelihoods; 

  • how established and robust the project is.

Notes to editors:

About ASD

ASD, co-managed by BSR and Transitions, was launched in late 2019 to bring together companies in the cosmetics, home, health and personal care, and oleochemicals industries to collectively address key environmental and social challenges in palm oil and palm kernel oil derivatives (palm derivatives) supply chains.

ASD’s vision is to achieve and promote palm derivatives sourcing that is free from deforestation, respects human rights, and supports local livelihoods.

During its first two years, ASD has made significant strides in laying the groundwork that will enable the initiative to take further action towards its vision, through its defined impact-oriented approach.

You can download ASD’s latest Update of Progress here and find more information about ASD on its website.

About BSR

BSR is a global nonprofit organization that works within its network of around 300 member companies to build a just and sustainable world. It develops sustainable business strategies and solutions through consulting, research, and cross-sector collaboration. BSR has over 25 years of experience in designing, implementing and scaling effective business-led collaborations. Our powerful global network of member companies, cross-sector collaborative initiatives, and grant-funded partnerships ensures that no company is alone in addressing sustainability challenges.

Visit the BSR website to find out more.


About Transitions

Transitions is a consultancy specialized in building sustainable supply chains for a range of key commodities. With long experience working in the palm derivatives supply chain for the cosmetics and oleochemicals sectors, Transitions benefits from a strong understanding of its complexities, a good reputation among its players and external stakeholders, as well as a deep expertise in building sustainable procurement models that deliver positive impacts in the field. As an independent third-party, Transitions acts as a facilitator to build dialogue with direct and indirect suppliers, as well as internal and external stakeholders in order to enhance win-win improvements along the chain.

Visit the Transitions website to find out more.

For media enquiries:
Tom Idle, Narrative Matters
+44 (0)7760 161401



Suggest media posts


  • We are excited to be a part of the Action for Sustainable Derivatives (ASD) Impact Fund which has been launched to provide financial support to an on-the-ground project in one of our priority palm derivatives sourcing regions. 

    We’re working with [Croda International, The Estée Lauder Companies Charitable Foundation, GSK, Natura &Co, Seppic and Stéarinerie Dubois] to collectively drive positive impact and address systemic environmental and human rights challenges.

    The ASD Impact Fund has been developed in partnership with Tides Foundation, using the Tides collective action fund model which provides an established, efficient and effective way to enable multi-donor collaboration to create positive change in the world. 

    We’re excited to see what we can achieve together for a better world.

    You can find out more here:

  • We are taking our collaboration with our fellow palm derivatives users across the cosmetics, personal care, healthcare and oleochemicals sectors further with the launch of the Action for Sustainable Derivatives (ASD) Impact Fund.

    We’ve been a part of the collaborative initiative designed to collectively address key environmental and social challenges in palm oil and palm kernel oil derivatives (palm derivatives) supply chains, since 2019.

     Now, together with other ASD Members, we will collectively provide financial support to an on-the-ground project in a priority region that has strong supply chain links and systemic environmental and human rights challenges.

     The resources will be used to direct support to smallholders, landscapes and communities linked to our supply footprint.

     You can find out more here:


  • We’re excited to be a part of the Action for Sustainable Derivatives Impact Fund which has officially launched. By pooling our resources with our collaborative partners we aim to accelerate positive impact in regions where we source palm oil derivatives. You can find out more here:

  • We believe a collective approach to supporting projects can enhance and accelerate the sustainability of our palm derivatives sourcing. That’s why we’re excited to be a part of the Action for Sustainable Derivatives Impact Fund which is now officially launched. Find out more here:

  • Delighted to join fellow members of ASD @crodaplc @esteelaudercompanies @GSK @naturaandco @SEPPIC + @StearinerieD to launch the Impact Fund to support on-the-ground projects in our palm derivatives sourcing regions


Communications Do’s and Dont’s

Please Do:

  • Proactively engage peers, customers, suppliers, and wider stakeholders to promote the Impact Fund.

  • Focus on the fact that the Fund is using a collective, pooled approach

  • Seek guidance from the ASD team for any external-facing content that departs significantly from key messages.

  • Involve your Corporate Communications teams where possible to amplify ASD’s voice.

Please Don't:

  • Mention that the Fund is any one individual company’s Fund or project.

  • Overstate the impact any one individual company has created through the project – this is collective action.

  • Refer to the actions, activities or contributions of another ASD Member without their permission.

  • Engage in social media disputes regarding ASD’s position or activities.


Get in touch

If you have any questions, just shout.

Benjamin Voirin, Senior Project Manager, Transitions

Tom Idle, ASD Communications Consultant, Narrative Matters

Ricki Berkenfeld, ASD BSR Team

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Tom Idle Tom Idle

RSPO Resolution

Communications support for members to communicate their stance on the RSPO Resolution as tabled by Transitions, WWF and others, to improve access to Certified Sustainable Palm Oil (CSPO) and highlight the limitations of the RSPO Mass balance Model.

Members Communication Pack


WWF, The Zoological Society of London (ZSL), and individual companies, with the support of Transitions submitted a Resolution to the RSPO 18th General Assembly.

While this will not be a collective ASD statement, there is an opportunity for members to individually communicate their position on it.

This Communications Pack is to help you do that, providing a series of aligned messages and suggested social media posts that can be used to encourage others to vote in favour of the resolution ahead of the deadline on 30 November 2021.


Key things to consider


What is the purpose of the Resolution?

The purpose of the Resolution is to open the discussion to the current constraints faced by the industry to access Certified Sustainable Palm Oil (CSPO) and the limitations of the RSPO Mass Balance Model.

The latest Chain Reaction Research report highlights the positive impact the uptake of No Deforestation, No Peat, No Exploitation (NDPE) policies is having in the palm oil sector. We – the submitters of Resolution GA18-6c: Enhancing the Robustness of the RSPO Mass Balance Model to Accelerate Uptake of Certified Sustainable Palm Oil – would like to build on this by requesting the RSPO and RSPO members consider the need for upgrading the Mass Balance Certification Scheme.

What do we want?

We believe that a more robust Mass Balance supply chain model is seen as a necessary progressive way for some of the industry sectors, including the derivatives sector, to be able to shift to the strongest physical certification schemes, such as SG or IP.

We want RSPO to consider the robustness of the model at the plantation and at the supply chain level, in order to enhance the legitimacy and attractiveness of the model – and the RSPO as a whole – for both upstream and downstream players.

What impact do we think we will have?

With RSPO certified volume stagnating at around 20% of total global palm oil production for the last few years, enhancing the attractiveness and the requirements for the Mass Balance model will increase the uptake of CSPO.

Upgrading the RSPO Mass Balance model, which is today the only available supply chain model scheme for some downstream sectors, far from the production areas, is a proactive way of mitigating identified risks of the palm oil sector, in respect of current and future due diligence regulations.

We acknowledge the importance of obtaining a consensus over such an important topic. But we are looking forward to supporting an independent committee to carry out a study for providing recommendations to incorporate this in the next RSPO Principles & Criteria recast.

What do we need others to do to support the Resolution?

We want others – customers, peers, stakeholders – to support the Resolution by voting in support of it. The deadline is 30 November 2021, although RSPO members will be able to vote during the live session of the RSPO General Assembly on 2 December 2021.

They just need to go to register and then vote in favour of the Resolution.

There is also a forum open for RSPO members to discuss the Resolution:

For more information, they can read the RSPO’s General Assembly 18 booklet, available here



Suggested Social Media Posts


  • [COMPANY], along with WWF, The Zoological Society of London, Transitions and other companies, have submitted a Resolution to the RSPO 18th General Assembly because we want to continue pushing for higher standards for certification of sustainable palm oil.

    The aim of the Resolution is to open the discussion to the current constraints faced by our industry, and others, in accessing Certified Sustainable Palm Oil (CSPO), as well as the limitations of the RSPO Mass Balance Supply Chain Model.

    We believe that, with RSPO certified volume stagnating at around 20% of total global palm oil production for the last few years, enhancing the attractiveness and the requirements for the Mass Balance model will increase the uptake of CSPO.

    Join us by voting in support of the Resolution by 30 November 2021: RSPO members will also be able to vote during the live session of the RSPO General Assembly on 2 December.


  • We continue our push for more sustainable palm oil by submitting/supporting a Resolution to the RSPO’s upcoming General Assembly calling for a more robust Mass Balance Supply Chain Model at plantation + supply chain level. Find out more and join us in voting for the Resolution here:

  • [COMPANY], along with @WWF, @OfficialZSL, @Transitions_dd and other companies, have submitted/support a Resolution to the RSPO calling for better access to Certified Sustainable Palm Oil. We call on you to support by registering your vote here: You have until 30 November.


Get in touch

If you have any questions, just shout.

Benjamin Voirin, Senior Project Manager, Transitions

Tom Idle, ASD Communications Consultant, Narrative Matters

Ricki Berkenfeld, ASD BSR Team

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Tom Idle Tom Idle

Annual Update of Progress 2021

Communications support for ASD Members to amplify messages from the Annual Update of Progress 2021

Members Communication Pack


What is the Annual Update of Progress 2021?

The ASD Annual Update of Progress is the “anchor” document to communicate the initiative’s progress to date and its future plans to external stakeholders and target companies for recruitment.

It serves as a source of core messaging and data disclosure agreed by ASD members, to be referenced by ASD members in corporate communications and reflected in wider ASD official communications collateral.

The report showcases ASD’s strong progress during its first two years and demonstrates leadership of Member companies.

The report will continue to serve as a key recruitment tool, essential for both ASD’s goal for market transformation and achieving our revenue targets.

More broadly the report serves ASD’s strategic communication objectives:

  1. Engage the global derivatives supply chain to build stakeholder awareness, buy-in, and participation in ASD

  2. Identify opportunities with wider sustainable palm industry players for alignment and collaboration on common challenges and solutions


What We’d Like Our Members To Do

The ASD Annual Update of Progress is now published on ASD’s new website and has been shared across the social media channels (LinkedIn, Twitter) of BSR, Transitions and individuals.

The ASD communications team will be targeting media outlets with the key messages of the report throughout November 2021.

But we also want ASD Members to leverage their networks and resources to amplify the key messages and statistics found within the report.

This may be via company websites, reports and forums, company social media channels and through key company influencers (e.g. CEOs, CSOs, COP, etc.)

To support you in this, you will find below:

  • suggested social media posts

  • supporting communications assets

  • the key messages

We thank you for your help.


Suggested Social Media Posts


  • The latest update from Action for Sustainable Derivatives (ASD), the collaborative initiative driven by palm oil derivatives users to transform their supply chains, shows that a centralized, collective approach to enhancing transparency, boosting engagement and identifying risks is working.

    Highlights include collective transparency for 825,000 tons of palm-based materials –nearly double the volume covered during the first year of ASD. This represents around 1.1% of the global palm production and 20-25% of the palm kernel oil-based oleochemicals market.

    You can find out more here:

  • We're proud members of Action for Sustainable Derivatives – an industry-led collaboration aimed at achieving responsible production and sourcing of palm oil derivatives.

    After two years working together, we have collectively achieved transparency to mills for 86% of the annual purchase volumes of 23 users of palm oil and palm kernel oil derivatives. This data has allowed for prioritization of supply chain players and production hotspots. And we have been able to develop an impact-oriented strategy to focus collective efforts of the beauty, personal care, healthcare, and olechemicals sectors to support responsible production practices and relevant conservation, restoration, and livelihood initiatives.

    You can find out more by downloading the latest update report on the ASD’s progress:


  • A collective approach to enhancing transparency of palm derivative sourcing for cosmetics, home and personal care, healthcare, and oleochemicals industries is working. Check out the latest data to see how we are playing our role in transforming our palm oil supply chain

  • #Deforestation has been a key talking point during the COP26 discussions. That’s why we’re proud members of Action for Sustainable Derivatives which enables us to work with our peers to improve the way we source palm oil. Check out what we’ve achieved so far

  • We are proud members of #ASD, working with 23 (and growing) companies bringing together the collective voice of downstream users of palm derivatives. This year, we achieved 86% transparency to mills. You can see what else we’re working towards in the latest update on the collaboration:


Communications Assets


Jpeg of front cover
Click to download

Infographic of 2021 Transparency Highlights
Click to download


Key Messages

ASD communicated the key findings of the 2021 Annual Report of Progress during the stakeholder webinar held on 27 October 2021. You can find the presentation here.

To recap, the key messages to be aware of when communicating – whether in writing or speaking at events – are:



ASD is well prepared for action on palm derivatives.
Two years into its journey, ASD is proud to have made significant strides that have prepared the initiative to take action towards its vision, through its defined impact-oriented approach.

As ASD moves into its third year of operation with 23+ members, representing approximately one million tons of palm derivatives, the initiative plans to deploy joint actions to further progress the market towards responsible and sourcing of palm oil derivatives.



  • A centralized, collective approach to improving transparency works.

    We achieved collective transparency for 825,000 tons of palm-based materials – nearly double the volume covered in year one.

    This represents ~1% of the global palm production, ~8-10% of the global palm-based oleochemicals market (in terms of volumes), and 10-20% of the palm kernel oil-based oleochemicals market.

    The total volume was sourced from 2,003 mills identified as potentially linked to ASD members’ collective supply chains.

    Results confirm similarities in the supply base of members. 1,570 of these mills (78%) are present in all ASD members’ supply chains, and 823 of these mills represent 80% of total volumes.

    ASD reached out to 230 suppliers/distributors, including 183 direct suppliers of which more than 150 were responsive and transparent.

  • There have been significant improvements in our results.

    ASD achieved:

    90% transparency to refineries and crushing facilities; 

    86% transparency to mills –up from 81% last year;

    36% transparency to plantations –up from 19% last year and compared to sector average of 1-25%



  • ASD takes a risk-based prioritization approach.

    With an aggregated and anonymized collective sourcing list, we overlay environmental and social risk data and assessment methodologies to determine collective risk hotspots.

    Each member receives a report of the relative weighting of its own confidential supply base to risk, at geographic and facility level.

  • ASD continues to enhance its methodologies and pilot new approaches.

    We are trialing tools to enhance our efforts with more proactive monitoring of grievances.



  • ASD is equipping members to manage risk and engage the supply chain.

    We have developed NDPE Policy Guidance for derivatives users, leveraging the Accountability Framework.

    We have launched a Grievance Taskforce and developed grievance prioritization methodology to identify and prepare engagement on high priority grievances.

  • ASD is engaging suppliers.

    We have engaged 89 direct suppliers through SPI.

    We have issued a collective statement on human rights to address grievances such as the AP Gender Based Violence report and custom authorities.

  • We’re ready to engage further in the next 12 months.

    ASD will develop grievance response management guidelines for individual and collective action and identify opportunities for collaboration with wider initiatives.



  • ASD is preparing for positive impact on the ground, beyond risk mitigation.

    We have identified 14 priority landscapes in the catchment area of priority mills.

    ASD is taking a pooled funding approach to collectively support existing projects on the ground in priority landscapes.



Communications Do’s and Dont’s

Please Do:

  • Be proactive in engaging your peers, customers, suppliers, and wider stakeholders to promote ASD’s collective vision and mission. This will help to recruit new members.

  • Find opportunities to talk about the Update both internally and externally – not just on social media, but at events, forums and in face-to-face meetings.

  • Maintain consistency of messaging by using existing ASD materials – and refer to the general ASD Communications guidelines.

  • Lean on ASD for any additional support you might need, or any points of clarification.

Please Don't:

  • Refer to the actions, activities or involvement in ASD of another member company without their permission.

  • Share data that is confidential to your company or to the ASD initiative.

  • Engage in social media disputes regarding ASD’s position or activities.

  • Use ASD in cause-related marketing of your products.

  • Use the ASD logo or brand to suggest certification or approval of your company’s policies or activities.

  • Overstate ambitions or impacts.


Get in touch

If you have any questions, just shout.

Benjamin Voirin, Senior Project Manager, Transitions

Tom Idle, ASD Communications Consultant, Narrative Matters

Ricki Berkenfeld, ASD BSR Team

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