ASD Impact Fund - second media release

Members Communication Pack


What’s happening?

As you know, the ASD Impact Fund launched in March, and we picked up some good media attention.

Lots of editors asked questions, wanting more of the detail on where the money will be spent, who will benefit, etc.

So, we are going to give them some more information – and we will issue a second press release to do just that.

The PR will be sent to the media on Wednesday 25 May.

Contributing members have approved, fed back on and contributed to the final version of the PR.

We have also used this PR as the basis for another story, posted on the ASD website.


What we’d like our members to do

Feel free to use the press release as the basis for your own stories giving some more detail on the ASD Impact Fund and Inobu.

Once again, we want participating ASD Members to leverage their networks, resources and media lists to extend the reach of this press release.

This might be via your company website, within reports and forums, on company social media channels and through key company influencers (e.g. CEOs, CSOs, COP, etc.)

To support you in this, you will find below:

  • press release

  • suggested social media posts

We thank you for your help.



Comms assets

Press release as a Word file
Click to download

Press release as a PDF file
Click to download


ASD logo, as PNG


Images, click to download. Please credit Inobu

Ecosystem restoration taking place in Mendawai Seberang Village, Central Kalimantan

Ecosystem restoration taking place in Mendawai Seberang Village, Central Kalimantan

Field survey of Sapundu Hantu Village, Central Kalimantan

Lot peg installation in Suka Makmur Village, Central Kalimantan

Lot peg installation in Suka Makmur Village, Central Kalimantan

Mapping of indigenous territories in Sapundu Hantu Village, Seruyan, Central Kalimantan

Organic fertilizer and vegetable pesticide training in Sapundu Hantu Village, Seruyan, Central Kalimantan

Restoration plant nurseries in Mendawai Sebrang, Kotawaringin Barat, Central Kalimantan



Press release

25 May 2022

New Fund of Palm Derivatives Users Seeks to Restore Ecosystems and Drive Economic Growth in Indonesia

A group of cosmetics, personal care, healthcare and oleochemicals companies working with Action for Sustainable Derivatives (ASD) will support the Inobu Mosaik Initiative, to build an enabling environment for sustainable palm oil production at scale while empowering local communities. 

Six members of ASD - Croda International, The Estée Lauder Companies through its Charitable Foundation, GSK Consumer Healthcare, Natura &Co, Seppic and Stéarinerie Dubois - announced the launch of the ASD Impact Fund last month.

The Fund has officially begun supporting the Inobu-led Mosaik Initiative, which is focused on finding ways to sustainably restore the landscape and drive economic growth in two of the largest palm producing districts in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia – Seruyan and Kotawaringin Barat. Contributing ASD members source on average 8% of their palm derivatives from Central Kalimantan.

With the help of Inobu, the two districts, which cover a total area almost as large as Belgium, are developing ways to restore forest ecosystems while protecting the remaining forests. Among other activities, the project will:

  • create a jurisdictional farmers association for agroforestry products to increase their value and encourage local communities to protect and restore natural forests in their villages;

  • provide upfront financing and technical support for smallholders’ sustainable farming practices and RSPO certification; and 

  • establish programs to ensure all palm oil production is aligned with sustainability principles and criteria 

The Project Selection Process

Each year, ASD conducts an investigation to map its members’ supply chains and monitor risks. This helps to identify priority supply chain players to engage, as well as the priority areas in which to focus investment.

ASD carried out an extensive mapping of more than 100 projects in Indonesia and Malaysia, and prioritized these based on an agreed set of criteria, including their location and relevance to ASD Members’ supply chains, project needs, impact and scale-up potential.

In partnership with The Estée Lauder Companies Charitable Foundation, ASD supported the Inobu Mosaik Initiative last year, which helped progress the development of ASD’s approach to collectively drive more meaningful impact on the ground.

“The Inobu Mosaik Initiative is part of a larger effort to improve sustainability practices in the palm oil supply chain,” said Ricki Berkenfeld, Manager, Consumer Sectors at BSR. “From this effort, we expect to gain valuable insights into collective approaches to field-level impact, while protecting natural ecosystems and supporting smallholder farmers.” 

“The Government of Indonesia has made significant progress in reducing deforestation, especially from oil palm and other commodities. But support is needed to maintain this trend while encouraging more large and small-scale producers to join these efforts,” said Silvia Irawan, Executive Director of Inobu.”

“This commitment made by ASD is an important step in this direction, acknowledging the work done by the local governments while supporting local communities to farm sustainably and restore degraded landscapes. It also shows that global manufacturers from the cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries care about what happens in the tropical landscapes where agricultural commodities, such as palm oil, are produced.”

The ASD Impact Fund, launched with Tides Foundation, intends to provide €1.5 million to support the Inobu Mosaik landscape initiative over the next five years. This includes supporting the certification of more than 2200 smallholder farmers covering up to 4400 hectares of land, implementing regenerative agriculture in 650 hectares of land, and encouraging local communities to protect around 6500 hectares of natural forests in their villages.

This is a significant stride forward for ASD - the first step in bringing together a smaller segment of the palm market, palm derivatives users, to collectively impact on-the-ground. Over time, ASD expects the Fund to grow, with more ASD Members participating in the Fund and an expanded portfolio of supported projects.

Notes to editors:

About ASD

ASD, co-managed by BSR and Transitions, was launched in late 2019 to bring together companies in the cosmetics, home, health and personal care, and oleochemicals industries to collectively address key environmental and social challenges in palm oil and palm kernel oil derivatives (palm derivatives) supply chains.

ASD’s vision is to achieve and promote palm derivatives sourcing that is free from deforestation, respects human rights, and supports local livelihoods.

During its first two years, ASD has made significant strides in laying the groundwork that will enable the initiative to take further action towards its vision, through its defined impact-oriented approach.

The ASD Impact Fund was developed in partnership with Tides Foundation, using the Tides collective action fund model which provides an established, efficient and effective way to enable multi-donor collaboration to help create positive change in the world.

You can download ASD’s latest Update of Progress here and find more information about ASD on its website.

About BSR

BSR is an impact-driven sustainability organization that works with its network of 300 leading companies to create a world in which all people can thrive on a healthy planet. With offices in Asia, Europe, and North America, BSR provides insight, advice, and collaborative initiatives to help you see a changing world more clearly, create long-term business value, and scale impact.

Visit the BSR website to find out more.


About Transitions

Transitions is a consultancy specialized in building sustainable supply chains for a range of key commodities. With long experience working in the palm derivatives supply chain for the cosmetics and oleochemicals sectors, Transitions benefits from a strong understanding of its complexities, a good reputation among its players and external stakeholders, as well as a deep expertise in building sustainable procurement models that deliver positive impacts in the field. As an independent third-party, Transitions acts as a facilitator to build dialogue with direct and indirect suppliers, as well as internal and external stakeholders in order to enhance win-win improvements along the chain.

Visit the Transitions website to find out more.

About Inobu 

Yayasan Inobu is an Indonesian, non-profit organization that strives towards the sustainable management of Indonesia’s landscapes and seascapes for the benefit of local and indigenous communities. Founded in 2014, Inobu is a women-led organization, with expertise in the areas of sustainable sourcing, conservation and restoration, agri-food systems, community development and environmental and social governance. 

Visit the Inobu website to find out more. 


For media enquiries:

Tom Idle, Narrative Matters
+44 (0)7760 161401



Suggest media posts


  • We’re excited to give further details of the Action for Sustainable Derivatives (ASD) Impact Fund which we are participating in to provide financial support to an on-the-ground project in one of our priority palm derivatives sourcing regions.

    We’re working with [Croda International, The Estée Lauder Companies Charitable Foundation, GSK Consumer Healthcare, Natura &Co, Seppic and Stéarinerie Dubois] to support the Inobu Mosaik Initiative.

    Our support will help the Initiative to continue finding ways to sustainably restore the landscape and drive economic growth in two of the largest palm producing districts in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia – Seruyan and Kotawaringin Barat.You can find out more here: [INSERT LINK TO STORY ON ASD WEBSITE]

    You can find out more here:

  • Thanks to our collaborative work as part of Action for Sustainable Derivatives (ASD), we have an improved understanding of the priority landscapes where we source the oil palm that goes into our products.

    Together with some of our fellow ASD members [Croda International, The Estée Lauder Companies through its Charitable Foundation, GSK Consumer Healthcare, Natura &Co, Seppic and Stéarinerie Dubois], we’re excited to be a part of the ASD Impact Fund which has now started supporting the Inobu-led Mosaik Initiative. The project is focused on finding ways to sustainably restore the landscape and drive economic growth in two of the largest palm producing districts in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia – Seruyan and Kotawaringin Barat. Contributing ASD members source on average 8% of their palm derivatives from Central Kalimantan.

    You can find out more here:



Communications Do’s and Dont’s

Please Do:

  • Proactively engage peers, customers, suppliers, and wider stakeholders to promote the Impact Fund.

  • Focus on the fact that the Fund is using a collective, pooled approach

  • Seek guidance from the ASD team for any external-facing content that departs significantly from key messages.

  • Involve your Corporate Communications teams where possible to amplify ASD’s voice.

Please Don't:

  • Mention that the Fund is any one individual company’s Fund or project.

  • Overstate the impact any one individual company has created through the project – this is collective action.

  • Refer to the actions, activities or contributions of another ASD Member without their permission.

  • Engage in social media disputes regarding ASD’s position or activities.


Get in touch

If you have any questions, just shout.

Tom Idle, ASD Communications Consultant, Narrative Matters

Ricki Berkenfeld, ASD BSR Team

Alexandra Kolev, ASD BSR Team


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