A collaborative initiative driven by derivatives users to transform their supply chains by increasing transparency, monitoring risks, engaging the sector, and generating on-the-ground impacts
Action for Sustainable Derivatives (ASD) is a collaborative initiative that brings together companies in the cosmetics, home and personal care, and oleochemicals industries to collectively tackle supply chain issues around palm oil and palm kernel oil derivatives.
ASD facilitates the sharing of information, data, constraints, and solutions to achieve a wholescale transformation of the complex palm derivatives sector.
ASD is expanding its work to other derivative commodities.
Our Impact Vision
Achieve no deforestation
Verified no deforestation in relation to the collective sourcing areas of ASD Members.
Respect human rights
The human rights of the people related to the derivatives supply chain are respected and upheld.
Support local livelihoods
The livelihoods of independent smallholder farmers are supported through inclusion in the global derivatives supply chain.
Our impact
ASD’s 2024 Annual Update of Progress highlights the progress we’ve made – and celebrates five years of successful collaboration.

ASD is aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals
Join us
ASD is excited and motivated by its progress to date, as the collaboration continues to take collective, pre-competitive action to address complex challenges together, including building our members’ ability to achieve compliance with new regulations.
ASD’s goals rely on comprehensive sector-level participation and industry collaboration. We therefore invite palm derivatives buyers and oleochemical companies to join our membership, and encourage interested stakeholders to co-build and co-implement solutions with us.